We publish a lot of information in a customer-friendly format about what we do and how we do it.
Our future plans - Business Plan 2025 to 2030 & Long-Term Delivery Strategy
Our business plan for 2020 to 2025
Our water resources management plan
Our draft Vulnerability Strategy
Our annual water quality report

Our business plan for 2025 to 2030 and long-term delivery strategy
We are developing our plans for the future and this document shows the priorities and level of ambition we have during the next 25 years.
To view our business plan for 2025 to 2030 and our long-term delivery strategy, please click here.
Our business plan for 2020 to 2025
As most people cannot choose their water supplier, one of Ofwat’s duties is to set the price, investment and service package that customers receive. They do this every five years and must balance the interests of customers with ensuring that companies can pay for and deliver the services they need to.
Our business plan for 2020 to 2025 sets out the commitments we have made to deliver a range of improvements over the five-year period, enhance the environment and increase the resilience of our service for the future. We will do this through five pledges.
Our Water Resources Management Plan
Planning water resources is a long-term business. That’s why we look ahead 50 years to understand how much water will be available and how much we will need to supply.
Our drought plan
Our Revised Draft Drought Plan is now out for consultation and we welcome responses until 22 July 2022. The consultation document and appendices A, B, E and L and can be read below:
Read our Revised Draft Drought Plan 2022
Appendix A - Groundwater Drought Triggers
Appendix B - Bough Beech Drought Triggers
Appendix E - Groundwater Drought Options
Appendix L - Strategic Environmental Assessment Non-Technical Summary
Our statement of response to our previous consultation in 2021 is still available to read below.
Read our Drought Plan statement of response 2021
Our existing Drought Plan sets out how we will determine when a drought is triggered, how we will respond operationally, as well as the measures taken to mitigate the effects and monitor the impact of those actions, both during their implementation and afterwards.
Read our existing Drought Plan from 2019
Our draft Vulnerability Strategy
Our Annual Performance Report
Every year we report on the progress we have made on the commitments we have made to our customers.
Our finances explained
We are committed to being as transparent as possible and are focused on better explaining the decisions we make and how we make them. 'Keeping it clear' is our customer-friendly guide to explain our finances and governance in a clear and understandable way. It covers important topics like where our money comes from and how we spend it, dividends to our shareholders, executive pay, tax and our simple ownership structure.
Download Keeping it clear 2022
Our Climate Adaptation Report
As a water company, we're acutely aware of how the weather and climate affect our business so it's vital we plan ahead to make sure we're well prepared for any change. The Climate Change Adaptation Report is our assessment of how climate change will affect us, as a business, and the risks we need to take into account and mitigate for.
Download our 2022 Climate Adaptation Report
Download our 2021 Climate Change Risk Assessment
Our annual Water Quality Report
We publish a report every calendar year giving details of sampling compliance against a wide range of standards. For more information on water quality, including a report for your area, visit the Water quality page.
Our net zero carbon routemap
By 2030 we are committed to achieving net zero operational carbon emissions, in-line with the Public Interest Commitment made by all the English water companies Water UK - Net Zero 2030 Routemap
We've developed a routemap to get us there focused primarily on managing the demand for water and energy.
By 2030 we are committed to achieving net zero operational carbon emissions, in-line with the Public Interest Commitment made by all the English water companies Water UK - Net Zero 2030 Routemap
We've developed a routemap to get us there focused primarily on managing the demand for water and energy.
Company Monitoring Framework (CMF)
The CMF was introduced by Ofwat, the economic regulator for the water sector, in 2015. The framework describes how Ofwat will oversee that we, and other water and wastewater companies, are providing our customers and other stakeholders with information they can have confidence in.
The CMF was introduced by Ofwat, the economic regulator for the water sector, in 2015. The framework describes how Ofwat will oversee that we, and other water and wastewater companies, are providing our customers and other stakeholders with information they can have confidence in.

Our Gender Pay Gap
Since April 2017 companies with more than 250 employees have been required by law to carry out gender pay gap reporting under the Equality Act 2010. The report must show the difference between the average earnings of men and women.
Since April 2017 companies with more than 250 employees have been required by law to carry out gender pay gap reporting under the Equality Act 2010. The report must show the difference between the average earnings of men and women.