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Help paying your bill

Help paying your bill

If you're having difficulty paying your bill, the sooner you tell us the better. We can't cancel the bill, but we may be able to suggest more manageable payment options.

This page provides information on the additional support and payment schemes we offer and advice for customers facing debt. 

Complete our five minute form to see what support you could get:

                                          Apply for Here For You support 


Our Priority Services Register

The Priority Services Register (PSR) is free to join. It helps utility companies like us look after customers who have health, access or extra communication needs and helps us tailor our services to support households who need extra help.

You may also be entitled to more support from your gas and electricity providers. You should contact them to find out more.

Recite Me - Accessibility and language toolbar

You can change the accessibility settings to help you get the most out of our website; including ruler, screen mask, magnifier and a dictionary. The toolbar also easily translates all our website content into more than 100 languages, including 35 text to speech voices. You can start using this tool by clicking the 'Accessibility help?' button at the bottom left of your screen. It looks like this: 

 picture of accessibility and language toolbar

Water Support

What is it?

A 50 per cent discount on your water bill which is funded through adding £11.57 to other customers’ annual bills.

Who is eligible?

You could be eligible for this scheme if your yearly gross household income is:

  • Less than £19,995 before any deductions, if you do not live in a London borough; or
  • Less than £25,207 before any deductions, if you do live in a London borough

    Disablement benefits are not included as income. 

Water Support application form

Breathing Space

What is it?

Pausing your payments if you need help getting back on your feet.

Who's it for?

If you've had a change in your personal circumstances that has had an unexpected negative impact on your income; such as illness, redundancy or bereavement.

Breathing Space application form


What is it?

A capped bill if you have a water meter. You'll pay whichever bill is lower – the one based on your water usage, or an average bill for a household similar to yours.

Who is eligible?

Only applies if your property has a water meter and:

  • Someone who lives there is on specified benefits or tax credits, and
  • You have three or more dependent children under 19 living with you, or you or another person living with you suffers from a qualifying medical condition which means they use significantly more water 

WaterSure application form


For full information please visit


Debt advice

We have listed various organisations that could help you manage your debt:

StepChange Debt charity is the UK’s leading provider of free, impartial debt advice and solutions

Citizens Advice provides free, impartial, confidential and independent advice in person

National Debtline provides free help and advice on dealing with debt

Money Advice Service helps you manage your money better

Christians Against Poverty working to release people from debt, poverty and its causes


Our Code of Practice

Our Code of Practice on debt for domestic customers provides lots of information and about how we can help and advice on the steps you can take.


See how we can support you

We understand that sometimes circumstances can change for lots of reasons and we want to support you as best as we can.

If you're struggling to pay your bill, you can get in touch in two ways:

Complete our debt recovery form

Alternatively, if you would prefer to talk to someone you can speak to our dedicated team on 01737 772000