Need to get in touch? The fastest way is to call 01737 772000. Our team are ready to help you!

Bogus callers

Bogus callers

Sadly, more than half the ‘bogus caller’ or ‘doorstep’ crimes in the UK are committed by criminals pretending to be from a water company, or from the 'water board' - which hasn’t existed for more than 30 years!  So, it’s important to know what you can do to check that callers are genuine before you let them in.

Image showing someones hand on a door handle opening it

Always remember: 
  • Make sure your back door is always locked before answering the front door
  • Check to see who is at the door by looking through a window or spy hole
  • If you have a door chain, put it on before you open the door
  • Our staff always wear a uniform and drive a company van with SES Water printed on the sides and at the back
  • Staff always carry an identity card with their photograph, name, logo and number
  • Our staff will always be happy to wait for you to check who they are (we are happy for you to call us to double check their identity)
  • You can set up a password that our staff will use when visiting you. Find out more about this and other support available through our Helping Hand Scheme
  • If you are still not sure, call the police


image showing brochure open

Helping Hand Scheme

We pride ourselves on providing you with a reliable supply of clean fresh drinking water. We also take our commitment to be there when you need us equally seriously.

If ever you need extra support, this leaflet explains what we can do to help you, and how to apply for our help. 

Download our Helping Hand Scheme factsheet

Join the Helping Hand Scheme today