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Middleton Road, Carshalton

Middleton Road, Carshalton

We're laying 430 metres of new pipe along Middleton Road to help protect supplies now and in the future. This new water main will help us keep your taps running should anything happen to the older main. It’s part of a larger plan to create a more resilient network.

We’ll be starting near the junction to Watermead Lane and working our way down to Shrewsbury Road. While in Middleton Road we’ll be working under two-way traffic lights for the safety of the public and our workforce.

Once we reach the junctions with Maynooth Gardens and Budge Lane we’ll need to use four-way lights. The junctions of Peterborough Road and Shrewsbury Road will need to be closed due to the positioning of our work.

We will be closing them at different times and Middleton Road will still remain open under two-way lights during these closures.

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