Date: 13 March 2025
Since closing the road on 6 January we have laid a quarter of the total new piping and have also started re-instating the road with tarmac where the new pipe has been laid.
We are replacing more than 800m of the 20" and 7" main that run along Gatton Park Road. The 7" main will be replaced by a 90mm main.
Having considered several different route options, and undertaking thorough investigative work, we have decided to lay two new mains in High Density Polyethylene in the same trench down Gatton Park Road. The new mains will be laid from the junction of Colesmead Road with Gatton Park Road, to just beyond West Lodge.
This page will be regularly updated below.
How long is the programme of work going to take in total?
The site team will be mobilising from the 2 Jan with compound and equipment. The road closure will be put in place from Monday 6 January 2025. We plan to complete the scheme by end of May 2025.
Can you replace it any quicker than this?
We have condensed the programme as much as possible and are confident of completing the work within the timeline provided. We will have multiple teams working on site at one time to minimise the time taken to complete the scheme.
How have you gone about choosing the diversion route?
We are legally obligated to provide a diversion route that is a like-for-like road with Gatton Park Road e.g. if we close an A road, we need to ensure the diversion follows along A roads. This is to ensure it is suitable for HGVs to travel along. This was agreed by Surrey Highways.
Will I still be able to access my property?
Throughout the road closure we will maintain access for all customers to their properties. Access will be from the West Lodge end. This includes access to the allotments. A hard closure will be in place at the Colesmead end with no vehicle access possible. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout alongside access to cyclists who will need to dismount.
What working hours will you be adopting on site?
Our site teams will be working 9-5 Monday to Saturday. Whilst our teams will be arriving on site and putting on the tower lights for 7am, they will not be breaking the ground until 9am to help minimise disruption to you all
Who do I talk to if I have a problem with the works?
A site manager will have a constant presence whilst work is ongoing. A site compound will be set up locally and contact details for the works manager will be on visible on the site compound.