We may need to carry out a small amount of work on your property to replace the old stopcock and mains pipe. Please rest assured that if any of your property is disturbed it will be fully re-instated. You may have reasons why you would prefer us not to disturb your property, such as a newly laid driveway, if this is the case, please complete and submit the form on the bottom of the previous page, or here.
Works are now complete.
When possible, our delivery partner Clancy will be working 7:30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. However, these hours may vary depending on weather conditions, daylight and to staff availability. If off peak or further weekend working is required, we will update this page.
Please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Operations team on 01737 772000 Option 2 if you have any questions or, alternatively email: CustomerServicesOPS@seswater.co.uk.
We’re sorry for any disruption this essential work may cause and thank you in advance for your co-operation and patience.