How much could you save?
Use our GetWaterFit calculator from our partners Save Water Save Money to find out if a water meter could benefit you and your family.
Water use checkerBurst water main on Godstone High Street RH9
Read moreOn average, households in our area with a water meter use around 15 per cent less water and their water bills are £32 a year lower. Two out of three of our customers are already on metered charges and we'll be installing water meters for those without a meter by 2025. In the meantime, you can still apply to have a meter fitted for your home.
Water meters are widely accepted as the fairest way of charging for water. Within the next few years most homes we supply will be metered, bringing us in line with other companies in the south east and helping to reduce consumption. You can find out more about the metering programme on our dedicated website, as well as watching the video below:
By 2025, every household in our supply area will have a meter. We'll also be installing water meters:
We have the legal right to install meters for our customers, under the Water Industry Act 1991 (amended in 1999). This is because the area in which we operate has been classed as 'water stressed' by the Environment Agency, and the Government has approved our Water Resource Management Plan which includes installing meters for all customers.
To apply for a meter fill in our apply for a meter form or call our Metering team on 01737 919485. Alternatively, email
Use our GetWaterFit calculator from our partners Save Water Save Money to find out if a water meter could benefit you and your family.
Water use checker