Shepley Mill
Shepley Mill Habitat Restoration Project
Why are we doing this work?
In-channel water control structures, such as weirs, are common on many UK rivers. However, they often impede the free movement of migratory fish species, including trout and European eel.
As a result, many watercourses in the UK are failing to reach the required target of Good Ecological Status (GES) due to physical modifications that adversely impact fish and eels, such as weirs.
To improve habitats and meet Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives and the Eels Regulations on the River Wandle, improvement of fish passage on the Carshalton branch is being investigated as part of SES Water's Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP). Shepley Mill is at the downstream end of the Carshalton branch of the River Wandle, where it meets the Croydon branch.
The weirs associated with Shepley Mill are a barrier to fish and eels, which is one of the reasons why the Carshalton branch has 'bad' ecological status for fish.
Aims and objectives
We aim to improve fish passage while looking for potential additional benefits for local stakeholders.
Project timeline