Managing your bill
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Managing your bill
Set up a payment plan
Make a single payment online or over the phone
Call 0800 587 2936 to pay your bill 24 hours a day, seven days a week with our freephone service which accepts all major debit and credit cards (excluding Diners Club and American Express). Please have ready your customer account number, postcode of the property you’re paying the bill for and your payment card details including the three-digit security number on the back of the card.
To pay online please have the same details to hand. All payments should be made to sort code 57-00-76, account number 00000000 (eight zeros) and you must include your full customer account number as the reference.
If paying from abroad, please add our International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB28NWBK60000139608956 or Swift code: NWBKGB2L.
Paying by Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay and you can choose for your payment to be made on the 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd of each month. Once your Direct Debit is set up, you’ll receive confirmation by post at least seven days before the first payment is due to be taken.
Sign up by either completing our online form or call us. You can also use this form or contact us to make changes to a Direct Debit. Please have your customer account number and bank details to hand.
All payments are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
We have two instalment options.
If you have a water meter
For metered customers we offer our Monthly Budget Payment Plan which enables customers to pay a fixed sum each month. The payments are set to build up the credit expected to be needed to pay off the next bill.
We calculate the payment from how much water you have used in the last 12 months and then adjust this figure by any outstanding debit or credit on your account. If we don't know how much water you use for example, for new properties, then we will base your monthly payments on the average use for the size of your household.
We review the instalments annually and then let you know what the payments will be for the coming year.
Direct Debit payments are paid over 11 months or cash using a PayPoint card spreads the payments over twelve months. You can select from one of four payment dates in each month - 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd.
We will cancel the plan if we don’t receive your payment by the due date and send you a notice requiring the entire amount owing to be paid.
If you don't have a water meter
For unmeasured customers we offer the option to pay in two, six or eight instalments each year. For two instalments, payment must reach us by 1 April and 1 October. For six or eight instalments, payment must be made by the agreed due date of the consecutive months from April to September or April to November respectively.
Payment can be made either by Direct Debit or cash using a PayPoint card and you can select from one of four payment dates in each month - 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd.
We will cancel the instalment arrangement if we don’t receive your payment by the due date and send you a notice requiring the entire amount owing to be paid.
Set up a payment plan
If you would like to check your eligibility for one of our support schemes, fill in our Here for You application form and we'll contact you regarding the most appropriate scheme for your specific circumstances.
Alternatively, you can find full details of all the support we offer at Here for You.
WaterSure is a capped tariff for metered customers so you pay whichever bill is lower – the one based on your actual usage, or an average household bill. You will be eligible if your property has a water meter and:
- Someone who lives there is on specified benefits or tax credits, and
- You have three or more dependent children under 19 living with you, or
- You or another person living with you suffers from a qualifying medical condition which means they use significantly more water
Water meters are the fairest way of charging for water, as you pay for what you use - just like for electricity and gas.
Typically, households with meters use around 15 per cent less water and this can help reduce energy bills as well. About a third of energy used in the home goes on heating water for washing dishes and clothes, bathing and showering.
Having a water meter also makes it easier to spot if there is a leak on your property e.g. dripping taps or a leaky toilet.
You can apply for a meter online here.
Fill out our free, 20-minute virtual water efficiency check by completing the GetWaterFit calculator to find out ways you could be saving water and money. You can then book a free virtual water efficiency consultation with an expert technician who can advise you on your water usage and suggest other ways to reduce this to save money.
The check will provide advice on your water usage, how to fit free water saving devices as well as fixing simple leaks to toilets and taps - all without the technician needing to come into your home. You may also qualify for a free leak repair with our partner SES Home Services.
There are also a whole range of free devices available to help you save water and money, which include eco shower heads, shower timers and tap aerators. A link to our free pack page can be found here.
Our ‘Every Drop Counts’ booklet contains plenty of water saving tips and advice. It can be read online here.
A few of these top tips include:
- Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving – this saves around 6 litres of water every minute
- Take a five-minute shower rather than filling up your bath, which uses around 100 litres of water
- Make sure washing machines and dishwashers run on a full load
Yes, if you need extra support due to health, access or communication issues, become a priority customer and get the tailored support you need. Our dedicated team will support you over the phone, by email or in person, from a social distance. We do not need to enter your home. See our dedicated page for full details.
Sadly, more than half the ‘bogus caller’ or ‘doorstep’ crimes in the UK are committed by criminals pretending to be from a water company, or from the 'water board' - which hasn’t existed for more than 30 years!
So, it’s important to know what you can do to check that callers are genuine before you let them in.
Always remember:
• Make sure your back door is always locked before answering the front door
• Check to see who is at the door by looking through a window or spy hole
• If you have a door chain, put it on before you open the door
• Our staff always wear a uniform and either drive a company van with SES Water, or our supply partner Clancy Docwra, printed on the sides and at the back
• Staff always carry an identity card with their photograph, name, logo and number
• Our staff will always be happy to wait for you to check who they are (we are happy for you to call us to double check their identity)
• You can set up a password that our staff will use when visiting you. Find out more about this and other support available by joining us as a priority customer
• If you are still not sure, call the police
In general, when we are installing water meters, we will not need to enter your home.
We will also liaise closely with local police, Neighbourhood Watch and other community groups, so that everyone knows where we are working and we can work together to keep everyone safe and prevent crimes.
We can also offer additional support, if you feel that would be suitable for you.
Contact us
If you need support, we're here to help.

Water supply emergencies, 24/7 01737 772000