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Developer services new connection application


Developer Services - New Connections

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Please ensure you have all the required information before you begin completing this form, the Developer Services 'New connections' web page has guidance on the information you may need to submit with your application and a handy checklist.

Please do not use your browser's ‘Back’ or Forward’ buttons while completing this application. This may result in data being lost and errors occurring when submitting your application.

Site Details

In this section we need to know about the site you are developing, some of the infrastructure required and some of the site’s history, please ensure all mandatory fields, indicated with a ‘*’, are completed or your application will not be progressed to the Quotation stage.

Please select on the map where the property is located.



Please provide the site address below:

Site Access and Health and Safety

In this section we need to understand how to access your site and any impacts to Health and Safety

Please provide details of private road owner

We will be in touch with the applicant to organize this induction for our inspector


Site History